Friday, October 23, 2009

The most beautiful candy in the world

Or it has to be close.

I was given a little box of candies for my birthday by a dear friend in Hong Kong. I opened it to discover these magnificent little works of sugar.

Check out these little beauties:

They are made of 2 gum drops and decorated with hard sugar frosting -
you have to lick quite hard to remove their features and accessories.

A blue penguin holding a basket with bread and an apple inside.
How cute is that?!?

a penguin
a monkey complete with scarf and leaf
a duck complete with basket and decorated egg
and a yellow tiger holding a small bunny

Amazing. I almost hate to eat them they're so fantastic.

But alas, they are slowly disappearing...


Emily said...

They are very cute.

Anonymous said...

soooo CUTE!!