Wednesday, March 23, 2011

AAAND we're back...

It has been almost 6 months since I have blogged -- or rather, it has been 6 months.

A lot has gone on:

- I left China after 2 eye-opening years of teaching English
- I traveled for 3 amazing weeks through Switzerland, Italy, and France
- I came back to the USA!
- I moved back home with my fantastic parents
- I got a job! 2 jobs actually, working for the YMCA
- I am now an almost working adult. ha

My hope in 2011 is to improve my photography, improve my health, and improve my mind. Hopefully this blog will be a platform in which to do, share, discuss, and learn these things. begin. A few photos from Europe:

Perhaps I will post more soon...

here's to blogging again!

1 comment:

Nemenem said...

Photos look great. I like the mini-summary you gave up above. Its good to read about what you're been up to. Keep in touch! - Nem